An outstanding variety of grapes that has made its mark in the global viticulture landscape, Shakhtar grapes, also known as “Aphrodite’s Gift” or T-6-13, is a grape variety originating from Moldova. Shakhtar grape variety are treasured for their high yield, rich taste, and adaptability to various climates. The unique offering of Shakhtar has made it a favorite among vineyards located in the middle lane regions worldwide.
The tale of Shakhtar grapes is steeped in careful thought, rigorous research, and innovative breeding. The breeders responsible for Shakhtar’s birth aimed to create a grape variety that was not only profitable but also highly yielding and unpretentious. Over the years, the tenacity and appealing characteristics of Shakhtar grapes have resonated with winegrowers around the globe, catapulting this hardy variety to popularity and widespread cultivation.
Appearance: Shakhtar grapes are a sight to behold. These grapes come draped in a dark blue, almost black sheath, alluding to their opulence. Each berry can weigh around 10 grams, taking on either a round or slightly oval shape. The size of a single Shakhtar grape can reach up to 24mm in diameter, making them larger than many other grape varieties—it’s a visual treat that piques anticipation for the delectable flavor it houses.
Taste: Once ripe, the Shakhtar grape variety take on a taste profile that resonates strongly with ripe cherries. Their pulp positively bursts with juice and fleshes out with a significant sweetness that would impress even the staunchest grape connoisseurs. The sugar content in Shakhtar grapes can reach a substantial level of up to 18 grams per 100 cm³, making them an ideal fit for fresh consumption and various culinary experiments.
Growth: The Shakhtar grapevines are known for their robust growth patterns. These vines flaunt excellent regenerative ability, with up to 80% of their shoots turning fruitful. This consistent productivity, coupled with their potential for high yields, makes Shakhtar an invaluable asset to any vineyard.
Resistance: Shakhtar grapes have earned their place in the viticulture domain due to their uncanny resistance. They hold an ironclad guard against common diseases such as gray rot and powdery mildew and display strong immunity against mildew. Furthermore, Shakhtar plants can withstand cold temperatures plunging down to -26 °C, making them a resilient choice in various climates.
Maturation and Harvest: Shakhtar grape vine exhibit a relatively early maturation, allowing for harvest approximately 115-120 days after budding. This early harvest potential further strengthens their appeal to growers, ensuring a quicker turnaround from planting to enjoying the fruits of their labor. The combination of taste, growth, resistance, and early maturation solidifies Shakhtar grapes as a highly sought-after variety in the world of viticulture.
Shakhtar Grapes at The Vineyard Patio in Sorsogon
Shakhtar grapes have made a home for themselves at The Vineyard Patio in Sorsogon, welcoming the tropical climate with open arms. The experienced viticulturists at Vineyard Patio have successfully acclimated this cool-climate Moldovan variety to their unique tropical environment.
The harvest season of the Shakhtar grape vine has become a celebrated event at The Vineyard Patio, drawing tourists eager to taste these delectable grapes. Enjoying Shakhtar grapes fresh off the vine has turned into an immersive sensory experience that simultaneously pleases the eyes and the tastebuds.
Furthermore, the cultivation of Shakhtar grapes at The Vineyard Patio has become a significant contributor to the burgeoning local economy. It brings employment opportunities for the locals, boosts tourism, and helps the regional socio-economic development.
The Bottom Line
Shakhtar grapes, with their robust nature, high yield, and tasteful flavor, live up to their moniker, “Aphrodite’s Gift.” They offer value to growers and taste enthusiasts alike, irrespective of the climate they’re grown. In unique locales such as The Vineyard Patio in Sorsogon, they lend invaluable support to the local economy and provide delightful experiences for all who indulge. In the end, Shakhtar grapes prove that they are truly a bountiful gift to the vine world.